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A grey door at front of house

Can you sell your home quickly with the right coloured front door?

Can the colour of your front door be a determining factor in whether or not your property has success on the market? Research has shown that it takes roughly eight seconds for a buyer to decide if they are interested in a particular property, and a large-sized chunk of that time is bound to be spent at the front door, signalling the somewhat unrecognised importance of the door.

It is one of the focal points of a home, a wrong colour door could jeopardise your property selling for the right price. The front door can supplement kerb appeal and potentially increase its desirability, and help when selling the property.

A front door must be appropriate to the house, there are no rules, it will vary from property to property, but it must wed with the architecture and design of the home. Various designers have explained their methods of using three colours on the exterior of a property, one for the sides of the house, one for the trim and a third to accent the architecture, shutters, or other detail. If a fourth colour is used, then the front door is where it will be, sometimes making a bold statement.   

Many have alluded to the influence of feng shui and the significance in which the right door colour can play in the success of achieving harmonisation in a home, for example, a red door denotes ‘welcome.’ There is a fine line between standing out from the crowd and attracting unwanted attention by looking out of place in a neighbourhood, and the latter may endanger the saleability of your home.

Are you currently looking to move?

What colour front door do you have? Do you think that changing the colour will affect the saleability of your property?

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