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Sell your home quickly; that's what you want but how?

It's great to view new properties to move into but yours is taking ages to sell and now it's making you miserable.

Take a weekend off from looking at new homes and let’s work out why yours isn’t selling, sometimes all you need to do is something simple for buyers to fall in love with it.

Kerb appeal

First impressions count. In a survey of 2,000 UK adults, 68% of them said kerb appeal was important when choosing a home to buy. Simple things like hiding the bins, sweeping away leaves from the pathway, and washing the windows and frames will all help to enhance your home’s kerb appeal. Before anyone views your home make sure to tidy up the front garden, cut the grass and make sure the porch light works.


Buyers will notice if the decor looks tired; peeling wallpaper, scuffed floors and doors are a turnoff. A weekend of freshening up your home with a lick of paint will do it wonders and could secure a sale for you. Shocking brightly coloured walls can turn buyers off so you would do well to neutralise them, this turns your home into a blank canvas which helps your buyer to visualise them living there.


Is your home cluttered? How can your buyer imagine their furniture and belongings in there? Have a weekend of decluttering, send to charity anything you no longer use; it will also help you when it’s time for you to move.


Dirty homes put buyers off. Make sure to have a big spring clean, wash all the doors, woodworks, tiles and floors. If there are any bits of mould, sometimes found behind the washing machine or in the bathroom, make sure to scrub it away.


You may be used to the smell of your home, but it could put buyers off. Smells that are familiar to us but can be off-putting to others can be animal smells, we love our dogs and cats but we can’t expect everyone else will. Cooking smells, garlic, curry powder, and fish can linger in the air for days, be aware of that when you book in a viewing. Teenagers' bedrooms, that lovely odour of socks, Linx and pizzas, probably not a good smell for buyers. Before showing your home open windows, burn some candles, wash the sheets or brew some fresh coffee.


Getting people to view your home in the first place can be a challenge if the photos are bad. Good photos are how to hook potential buyers, angles and lighting have to be just right. Here at abbotFox, we know the importance of professional photographs, and that’s why we have our very own in-house professional photographer.

Follow these tips and you’ll have a much better chance of selling your home fast.

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